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I don't know much about the web but I know what I like: art and web IA

The Web is a bit like an art museum: an amazingly rich resource which is too easily squandered. This article (originally presented as a paper at Oz-IA 2009) introduces principles and techniques used in art museum education and shows how they can be applied in web construction, writing and design.

Some future trends for the Internet and museums

Video and summary of a talk given at a Museum & Gallery Services Queensland seminar

Digital meta-collections

Some ideas on Web 2.0 in relation to collecting museums.

Beyond the online museum

This paper examines a number of participatory virtual exhibition projects and discusses their different functional models and interfaces. One project, myVirtualGallery (Art Gallery of NSW) is examined in detail, including discussion of philosophical issues. (On the Museums and the Web 2006 website)

Websites and marketing

While web sites can be used as part of marketing strategies, they are not primarily marketing tools. Effective web sites provide services and fulfil needs. Developing a web site requires that its purpose be understood so that content and function, not technology, will drive it.

Anarchy Media Player

An easy and free way to embed audio and video files into a web page using just href links.

See also:

Engaging the museum visitor

Face-to-face versus multimedia