Unwrapping art: the basics

Enjoy art, but not sure how to approach it? Like an artwork but not sure why, or if there’s more to it? Come along to my short introductory course at the Art Gallery of NSW, Unwrapping art: the basics, over 4 Saturdays, 16 May – 6 June 2015. While art from many different times and … Read more

Retrospective exhibition of artist, Robin Norling

I recently opened a wonderful exhibition of a great Australian artist and teacher, Robin Norling. It’s on at Gosford Regional Gallery, until 17 May 2015. I also wrote the short catalogue essay, The art of Robin Norling: delight… and shadow. Esperanto: Mi ĵus malfermis mirindan ekspozicion de grava aŭstralia artisto kaj instruisto, Robin Norling. Ĝi … Read more

Three short talks for “Art on screen”

Over the next few months I will be introducing three art-related films at Avoca Beach Picture Theatre with three different 20-minute talks on art appreciation: Monday, 2 March, 11.30am: A girl with a pearl earring and other treasures from the Mauritshuis Museum Netherlands My talk will focus on the paintings of Vermeer and other artists … Read more

An open letter to Gaston Dorren, the author of “Lingo”

A book called Lingo: A language spotter’s guide to Europe has recently been published. Chapter 51 is titled “The no-hoper: Esperanto”. As has already been reported, it has received some flak from Esperantists. Here is my open letter to its author, Gaston Dorren: Dear Mr Dorren, I know you have received a number of messages … Read more

Typing Esperanto characters in Mac OS X

In recent versions of Mac OS (at least since 10.5), you can type the accented letters of Esperanto very easily, without downloading anything or using a website, as long as the language of your system is English. To prepare your computer (required only once): 1. Open “System Preferences…” from the Apple menu. 2. Click on … Read more

What makes art, ‘art’: a family tour

I create a work of ‘art’ by tipping a box of junk upside-down in an art museum. If I left it there and came back a day later, do you think it’d still be there? Why not? Who would have taken it away? No, not the director, nor the curators… but the cleaners! The cleaners … Read more

The ink-painter: a story

Narrator: Once upon a time in China there was a skilful painter in ink, especially famous for his depictions of flowers, which were sold for very high prices. He had a friend. One day the artist and his friend were talking. Painter: You’ve been a great friend to me for many years. I‘m going to … Read more

Why museums are worth visiting

On 21 August 2014, the Sydney Morning Herald published an article in its Traveller section: ‘Boring, pricey and crowded: 17 reasons why I hate museums’. (It was based on a slightly longer article from the Telegraph, London.) This response is in the form of an open letter to its author, Oliver Smith: Dear Mr Smith, … Read more