Traces of life

Beyond individual ability, drawing holds benefits accessible by all who are willing to see anew Every week, a group of adults varying in age and background meets at the building “Kincumber Village School of Arts” on the central coast, north of Sydney. They gather to practise the skill of life drawing: to sketch the human … Read more

Wells dictionary available online

I discovered recently that “Esperanto-English-Esperanto Dictionary”, by John C Wells, is available on Google Play – and it works on my iPad offline! 🙂 A lot more convenient than carting around the physical book.

How to look at a painting

People looking at art

I have just been re-reading an excellent book by Justin Paton (curator of contemporary art at the Art Gallery of NSW), “How to look at a painting”. Near the end of the book, he gives some very useful advice in ten points, which I would like to share with you. 1. Respect the thing. 2. … Read more

On art appreciation

Today, as I was remembering my dear friend, the artist Robin Norling, who died in January this year, I rediscovered the text of a wall panel that he and Jocelyn Maughan had prepared for their gallery a few years ago. I liked it so much I decided to post an edited version of it here. … Read more

Informing the world about Esperanto in the 21st century

Partially, and in some ways, the task of making Esperanto widely known is the same as a hundred years ago. But in other ways, it’s very different. Around the world, as never before, English seems to dominate, and there are many new ways to communicate. These provide both challenges and opportunities. Why should we make … Read more

The desire to connect

I’ve been re-reading a book, “What Makes Us Tick?” by Hugh Mackay (Hachette, 2010). Here are a few favourite quotes from chapter 4, “The desire to connect”: “The Russian literary critic, Viktor Shklovsky, wrote that ‘art exists that one might recover the sensations of life; it exists to make one feel things, to make the … Read more

Beautiful Esperanto lullaby

My choir, Jubila Singers, sang a beautiful lullaby in Esperanto during a performance on 13 September, although I’m the only member who speaks Esperanto. It’s title is “Sweet Wind”. Play (Switch to the Esperanto version to read the lyrics.) Music by Joseph Barnby. Thanks to Alan Bishop for providing the score. Thanks to Christine Lindsay … Read more

Art appreciation at the World Esperanto Congress

Art appreciation lecture, Lille

The program for the World Esperanto Congress in Lille has been published but, unfortunately, the “Congress Theme” sessions lack details. So, I want to announce that “Congress Theme 2” (Monday, 11:15–13:45) will include two lectures by Franz-Georg Rössler – about architecture (towers) and music – and a lecture by me. Mine will be “Art-appreciation for … Read more

9,600 people have started learning Esperanto in two days

[This is my translation of an article in Esperanto, 9.600 homoj eklernis Esperanton en du tagoj, from the website Libera Folio. (Unfortunately that article has since been removed.)] Two days after the launch of an Esperanto course at the popular language learning site Duolingo, the course has already gained almost ten thousand participants. The number … Read more